14. March 2022

BSB goes full steam ahead on green energy

By signing an agreement with leading food-recycler DAKA REFOOD, BSB now joins the fight to stop food waste. The food waste from the steel company's canteen will from now on be recycled and used for heating or converted into feed, fertilizer and biodiesel.


More than 227,000 tonnes of edible food go to waste in Denmark every year. It is costly, C02-emitting and unethical. Therefore, Quality Assistant at BSB Industry Susanne Nielsen is pleased that the company with a new DAKA REFOOD certification is starting the fight against food waste and for more recycling.

- The green agenda is important for to BSB. We at BSB are constantly working to reduce our climate footprint, and by minimizing food waste in the canteen and ensuring that all food leftovers are sent for recycling, we make the best possible use of resources. We are pleased that the employees have welcomed the initiative, says Susanne Nielsen.

This is how BSB reduces food waste

  • We monitor and register food waste
  • We eat from smaller plates in the buffet
  • We sort and have a recycling scheme for food waste
  • We work with a catering company that daily can adjust the number of meals served

Nature is close to our hearts

BSB cares about the climate and works towards several of the UN's 17 sustainable development goals to help create a better future for our children and grandchildren.

- Both BSB and DAKA REFOOD have a special focus on goal 12, which is about responsible consumption and production, and of course on goal 7, which focuses on sustainable energy, and goal 13, which concentrates on climate efforts. Our common efforts to minimize food waste and increase recycling is perfectly in line with having a responsible consumption, just as it helps to reduce our carbon footprint, explains Susanne Nielsen.

She is well aware that some will say that the effort is just a drop in the ocean.

- We have to start somewhere, and at BSB we believe that together we can make a difference. If we all make an effort and inspire each other to take responsibility for the environment and the climate, we can, even with small steps, help create a sustainable future, Susanne Nielsen emphasizes.

Facts about the DAKA REFOOD certification

The REFOOD label is a trust-based certification based on a common vision of a sustainable food and service sector characterized by less waste of resources and more recycling. With prevention, sorting and recycling, the resources in organic waste are utilized in the production of feed, fertilizer, biogas and biodiesel.


Winnie Fedders
QHSE Specialist

Winnie Fedders

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