8. October 2020

BSB Industry in support of Break Cancer 2020

For the ninth year in a row, The Danish Cancer Society and Danish broadcaster TV 2 unite the Danes in Denmark's greatest efforts against cancer. The annual Break Cancer-campaign has grown to a strong and well-established brand with broad popular support. Read why BSB Industry again this year supports Break Cancer.

Claus Iwersen

Cancer hits every third Dane and makes almost everyone else a relative to someone with the disease. These sad numbers make the disease a common cause, which requires a joint effort.

- At some point in our lives, we are all affected by cancer, a disease that costs far too many Danes their lives. That is why we support Break Cancer and their goal that fewer people will get cancer and more people will survive, explains Claus Iwersen, partner and CFO of BSB Industry.

This is how the money is spent

When we stand together and raise money for Break Cancer year after year, we are all helping to fight cancer. The money raised this year goes to cancer research, prevention and patient support.

The money is distributed in pools in order of priority: 

  1. The Children Cancer Foundation
  2. The Danish Research and Development Center
  3. Early Diagnosis
  4. Young talented scientists
  5. Reserching strategies against treatment resistance
  6. Less inequality
  7. Interdisciplinary research
  8. A smoke-free future
  9. Further development of navigator support for socially vulnerable cancer patients
  10. Cancer patients with psychiatric diagnoses
  11. Clinical trials - Knowledge and quality objectives
  12. Partnership project for a healthier alcohol culture among young people
  13. Research in rare cancer diseases
  14. HPV related cancer in Denmark
  15. Sick young - narrator corps across diagnoses

We must stand together to break cancer

Break Cancer is wholehearted action and hope for new ways to get rid of cancer and Denmark's biggest effort against cancer.

- Every year, about 200 children under the age of 19 are diagnosed with cancer. The vast majority survive, but many of the children and young people suffer permanent damage after the intensive treatment. The Childrens Cancer Foundation's research in diagnostics and treatment, as well as its support to families and children affected, are among the important reasons why BSB Industry backs Break Cancer. Only by standing together can we crack cancer, Claus Iwersen emphasizes.

Read how to support Break Cancer


Claus Iwersen
Partner / CFO

Claus Iwersen

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