8. November 2021

BSB naturally supported the Break Cancer campaign

At BSB, we support Break Cancer so that fewer people will get cancer and more people will live.

BSB Naturally Supported The 2021 Break Cancer Campaign

Cancer affects every third Dane and makes everyone else a relative. We all, in one way or another and at some point in our own lives, come into contact with cancer. It is a disease that costs 44 Danes their lives every day.

- Today, approximately 352.000 Danes live with or after a cancer diagnosis. The good news is that the majority survive cancer. But in BSB Industry, we want to help set the bar a little higher. That is why we support the Danish Cancer Society and the Break Cancer campaign, which aims to reduce the number of cancer incidents and get more people to survive, says Claus Iwersen, Partner and CFO of BSB Industry.

Break Cancer is wholehearted action in the hope of finding new ways to eradicate cancer. It is Denmark's biggest effort against cancer, where we stand together to break the disease.

- At BSB, we support Break Cancer, because cancer is a popular cause and a disease that we must fight together. We know very well that our support alone cannot work miracles, but if we can make a difference for just one person with our contribution, it is all worth it, Claus Iwersen emphasizes.

Facts about cancer in Denmark

  • Every third Dane gets cancer before the age of 75
  • Every 12 minutes, a Dane is diagnosed with cancer
  • 2 out of 3 survive cancer
  • Every 32 minutes, a Dane dies of cancer
  • Cancer is the most common cause of death among Danes
  • Approximately 352.000 Danes live with or after a cancer diagnosis

Facts About The Danish Cancer Society

  • Denmark's largest patient association with more than 400,000 members
  • Approximately 46,000 volunteers
  • A private association that is completely dependent on support from the Danes.
  • Only 3 percent of the funds come from the public sector
  • Distributed DKK 400 million in 2018 for cancer research
  • Has its own research center with over 200 researchers and technicians from around the world
  • Offers cancer counseling in more than 40 locations around the country and professionally staffed telephone counseling

Source: Break Cancer (Knæk Cancer)


Claus Iwersen
Partner / CFO

Claus Iwersen

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