20. September 2022

No more crawling around on the floor

BSB Industry has invested in a new automatic strapping machine. The initiative came from the warehouse employees in the Supply Centre, who eyed a golden opportunity to improve the working environment as well as efficiency and the environment, all in one shot.

Stop crawling around on the floor

The strapping machine, with a smart robot arm, makes strapping pallets a breeze, and since the machine found its way into the warehouses at Vingen in Lunderskov, Rafael Kropp Wojtczak and his colleagues have strapped well over 3,000 pallets.

In his capacity as Team Leader for Supply Chain Solution, he is particularly pleased that the new automatic strapping machine has provided the employees at BSB Industry with an improved working environment.

- Previously we used a manual strapping machine. It required us to crawl around on the floor to get the tape around the pallet. Two belts must be strapped around each pallet, and this means that with the new machine we have already eliminated 6,000 manual, repetitive work steps with poor working postures, which often resulted in pain in the knees and the back. This is great for our working environment, says Rafael Kropp Wojtczak.

At BSB, the employees contribute to the development of the workplace

At BSB Industry, Head of QHSE & CBI, Winnie Fedders, is pleased that the employees put their minds and skills at play in contributing to the optimization of business processes, whether it concerns the working environment, the environment or business process efficiency.

- Our employees and team leaders are the ones who are hands-on with the daily tasks. Therefore, they are also the most qualified to come up with suggestions for optimizations. In the specific case of the automatic strapping machine, the employees made a business case in which they pointed out that the investment would be quickly paid off in terms of an improved working environment and streamlining of the business process. This case is worth its weight in gold, emphasizes Winnie Fedders.

Winnie Fedders / Head of QHSE & CBI

We care about the climate challenge

At BSB Industry, we care about the footprint we leave on the environment, and in the case of the automatic strapping machine we have achieved a CO2 gain of approximately 4 tonnes on an annual basis.

Winnie Fedders / Head of QHSE & CBI

A sustainable solution

As an alternative to the old, manual strapping machine, and to avoid crawling around on the floor, the employees in the Supply Center for a while resorted to using a foiling machine.

- Fortunately, foiling pallets with plastic is also history with us. The foiling machine is inefficient, expensive with regard to time consumption and relies on a heavy use of plastic, and so it does not align with the environmental focus we have at BSB Industry, explains Winnie Fedders.

Together with Rafael Kropp Wojtczak, she is pleased that BSB Industry has found a more sustainable solution with the investment in the new automatic strapping machine.

- At BSB Industry, we care about the footprint we leave on the environment, and in the case of the automatic strapping machine we have achieved a CO2 gain of approximately 4 tonnes on an annual basis, explains Winnie Fedders.

A sensible investment

BSB Industry's investment in the new automatic strapping machine is not only a benefit for the working environment and the climate. It is a gain for efficiency as well.

- Before, we needed two men to strap a pallet. Today, the task is done by one man and much faster. If we compare the time spent on strapping a pallet and the time we used to spend on foiling, we have calculated that the automatic strapping machine can handle two pallets, while at the same time the foiling machine handled one. Annually, this improvement translates into enormous time savings and a solid financial gain. Still, the most important outcome is that we don't have to suffer bruises to our knees anymore, says Rafael Kropp Wojtczak with a smile.

Read more about our environmental efforts


Winnie Fedders
QHSE Specialist

Winnie Fedders

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